Agile Model Based Systems Engineering (A-MBSE) with SysML

Agile - Model Based Systems Engineering (A-MBSE) with SysML


In this very intensive course you will learn the SysML notation and a systematic approach to express requirements and then design a solution describing the structural and behavioral aspects of the proposed system.

We will first present the SysML standard notation and diagrams needed to model requirements, structure and system dynamics. The notation part is accompanied by examples that exemplify the theory. Then we will present a process for effectively applying SysML leading to a seamless transition of model and information from the system level down to the subsystem level, so that the output from the system levels serves as a constructive input for the subsystem level.

Course Outline


In this section you will get some background information on UML and SysML. The following subjects will be covered:

  • The history of UML and SysML – Overview on the SysML – How SysML extends UML – Overview on system engineering process.

Structure Diagrams

In this section you will learn how system structure, hierarchy and composition can be modeled using SysML. We will present the following diagrams:

  • Block Definition diagram – Internal Block Diagram – Package Diagram – Parametric Diagram – Requirement Diagram.

Behavior Diagrams

In this section you will learn how functional requirements, system and subsystem dynamics can be modeled using SysML. We will present the following diagrams:

  • Use Case Diagram – Activity Diagram – State Machine Diagram – Sequence Diagram.

System Engineering Process

In this section we will present a process of how to apply the SysML in real life system engineering process. The proposed process is based on a middle out iterative process creating a seamless transition between the system and subsystem level. We will cover the following topics:

Requirements Capture

  • Developing and documenting the vision and system domain – Capturing functional and supplementary requirements.


  • Describing a conceptual system solution – effective use block definition, sequence and state chart diagrams – Demonstrating how requirements are realized based on the proposed structure.
  • Creating system hierarchy and/or independent and reusable system blocks – Modeling physical structure – Preparing the requirements for the next level – Modeling traceability.


Suggested Extensions

2 day Workshop: Performing systems engineering on a sample project.

This 2 day extension that is interleaved with the study of the engineering process, allows participants to apply and exercise the process of capturing system requirements and performing system analysis and design using the SysML. This exercise is done on the sample project from your domain. Some preparation prior to the course is required in order to scope the exercise. Without this module, the System Engineering Process part of the course is purely theoretical!

1-2 day: Applying SysML with Enterprise Architect or Rhapsody

This 1-2 day extension that is interleaved with the study of the SysML, allows participants to learn and exercise how to use Enterprise Architect or Rhapsody for modeling systems using the SysML.

View and print the syllabus of Agile Model Driven Systems Engineering with SysML.

ACTL Systems Ltd 16/7 Shay Agnon St. | 9358936 Jerusalem, Israel | Tel. 972-2-5376459, Fax. 972-2-5370425
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