Sparx - Enterprise Architect
Sparx's Enterprise Architect is one of the most versatile budget friendly modeling tools around. Its intuitive user interface and efficient, highly scalable repository is the basis for one of the most successful modeling tools ever created. It's over 740,000 users worldwide, its vigorous user community, endorsements from major standards bodies and an affordable price point make it the tool of choice for budget conscience organizations
Over 15 years of continuous development have seen Enterprise Architect become the pre-eminent cost-effective model driven tool suite for a huge range of industry verticals, government bodies, standards organizations and domains.
The latest version 16 has been released. See whats new in EA 16 here.
Its wide range of modeling languages include among other support for:
- Systems Engineering (SysML, ...)
- Software Engineering (UML, Data Modeling, ...)
- Business Engineering (BPML, ...)
Systems Engineering
Enterprise Architect provides a platform for the Systems Engineer, which is based on the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) and model based development for engineering models with additional support for Project and Process Management.
Software Engineering
Enterprise Architect provides comprehensive support for all the elements, relationships and diagrams specified in UML 2.5. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) standard is governed by the Object Management Group (OMG) and Sparx Systems is an active member and contributor to the process of managing and improving the standard.
Business Engineering
Enterprise Architect is the ideal platform for building and sharing business based models that can be fully integrated into an overall enterprise or system level architecture. Development support extends from the complexity of strategic models, to simple mind maps, process modeling, requirements management, BPMN models and more.
Contact or call us to discuss your needs or visit SparxSystems!